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Gardening Blog


Hi I'm Ruth and I am a member of the committee, I work on the website and can help raise any questions you have at a committee meeting. 

This will be the last one of 2023. I was hoping to be doing some autumn/winter gardening this year but unfortunately personal circumstances have stolen my attention and I haven't been able to plan it. Maybe I'll throw some carrot seeds into the ground and maybe we'll get some Christmas carrots to eat.


September has been the month of the grape! We have harvested so many grapes and I'll be harvesting the rest over the next week. I've been experimenting with different grape recipes and my son and I have been eating a lot of them just as they are!

My son Alex said the only thing he wanted to grow this year was a cauliflower and although it might be tiny we succeeded! He's a very happy boy and is deciding what he wants to try and grow next year now.

I have grown one bush butternut squash this year which has made me happy. I'm hoping it'll mature a bit more before the weather gets cooler and I get to enjoy it with my Christmas dinner. I am looking forward to planning my allotment for next year. I plan on growing some more flowers for all the pollinators. Is there anything you're planning on doing differently next year?

I couldn't believe it when I was digging up my strawberry plants (to move them to a new home ready for next year) and I saw ripe and yummy strawberries still! It was a lovely snack whilst I carried out my jobs.

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