Most Humber Avenue Tenants are still governed by the Worthing Borough Council Terms & Conditions issued in October 2013 and revised in December 2017 and as many things have changed since issue, they are in large parts not relevant today.
Therefore in line with Worthing Allotments Management (WAM) and Adur District Council who both updated their Terms and Conditions in 2022, your committee has prepared updated HACA Terms & Conditions. These have now been agreed with WBC who think they are reasonable, proportionate and fair and compliment the five year Service Level Agreement (SLA) currently being drawn up.
The committee will be seeking adoption of these Terms & Conditions at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM). However comments and questions are invited to be submitted to before 28th February 2022.
A printed copy of the revised T & C has been placed in the social room.
Jointly issued by Judy Kara HACA Chair and Terry Smith HACA Company Secretary